Conditional rendering

Sometimes you need to alter fields conditionally. The conditions property in a form field allows for altering the schema.

This is an example of a schema that shows a different set of options based on a value of another field.

const schema = [
name: 'isOver18',
label: 'Are you over 18?',
component: SelectFormik,
validators: [required],
options: [
{ value: 'true', label: 'Yes' },
{ value: 'false', label: 'No' },
name: 'beverage',
label: 'Beverage',
component: SelectFormik,
validators: [required],
options: [],
conditions: [
when: ({ formik: { values: { isOver18 }}}) => isOver18 === 'true',
then: { options: [ ...alcohols, ...nonAlcohols ] },
otherwise: { options: nonAlcohols },

The conditions property should be set to an array containing objects with keys when, then, and otherwise.

when is a function called with formik and formContext wrapped in an object. If this function returns a truthy value, the then object will be merged into the field object. Otherwise, the otherwise object will be merged.

You don't have to specify both then and otherwise, one is sufficient.