Breaking out of Formuj

The <Formuj /> component is a useful wrapper for quickly building forms, however it comes with a few constraints.

Instead of using <Formuj />, you can use the <Form /> component along with a "Formik provider" to achieve the same result. A "Formik provider" is either a <FormikProvider /> component which uses the render prop pattern or the useFormuj hook.

The primary reasons why you might want to break out of the <Formuj /> component include:

  • You need to use a custom submit button or you need to use a different submission pattern altogether.

  • You need to respond to changes to the form with side effects (such as fetching additional data when selecting a value).

  • You need to provide additional data to the form context.

<FormikProvider />

This component takes the following props:

  • schema
  • onSubmit
  • validationContext
  • innerRef - this parameter accepts a ref that will resolve to an object with the previous three properties should you ever need to update your form from the outside.
  • renderForm - this is a render prop, a function that will be called with an object containing keys formik and schema.
import { Form, FormikProvider } from 'formuj';
const schema = [ /* ... */ ];
const MyForm = () => {
const renderForm = ({ formik, schema }) => {
const handleClick = event => {
return (
<Form formik={formik} schema={schema} />
<button theme="primary" onClick={handleClick}>Submit</button>
return (


This hook takes the same props as <FormikProvider />, with the exception of renderForm.

import { Form, useFormuj } from 'formuj';
const schema = [ /* ... */ ];
const MyForm = () => {
const formik = useFormuj({
onSubmit: handleSubmit,
const handleClick = event => {
return (
<Form formik={formik} schema={schema} />
<button theme="primary" onClick={handleClick}>Submit</button>

<Form />

This component should be called from inside the renderForm render prop. It takes the following props:

  • formik - should be passed down from the renderForm function or the useFormuj hook.
  • schema - the form schema. It can be passed from the renderForm function.
  • formContext